From what he’d do if a genie appeared, to his thoughts on social value. We caught up with the team’s new Senior Social Value Economist, Ken Chalk, to find out more about him and his role…
Hi Ken, can you tell us a little bit about your job as a Senior Economist
What I have found rewarding so far is the number of problems I am facing in short periods of time and trying to find robust solutions to these problems. In addition, applying that to a new software setting where I need to think through what the user will input is both challenging and interesting.
Thanks, Ken. So, tell us, what were your first thoughts of ‘Loop’?
I thought it was a great name for a sustainably focused company. Anyone familiar with these concepts will straight away realise the link in the name.
Brilliant. Coming in to a social value organisation, we’d love to know – what does social value mean to you?
I think social value has great potential to improve transparency of businesses and can allow businesses who are doing good to celebrate that good that they are doing and in turn help drive further improvements in society in a general sense, as a movement.
What did you do before you joined Team Loop?
My last position was in Department of Work and Pensions as a Senior Comms Economist. I had responsibility of producing VfM estimations for the comms campaigns for DWP. I also helped a lot with improving the quality and methodology of the survey we ran through our partner IPSOS.
I bet that was really interesting. With Loop being part of a wider group, could you tell us a bit about the 55 Group
As a growing organisation it is exciting to be a larger part of a smaller organisation, rather than a small part of a large organisation.
Ok, so stepping away from that now. What do you do when you’re not working?
I spend a lot of time with my kids, playing computer games, football etc. Reading, movies, playing guitar and at family/friend gatherings.
Jumping outside of the box, if a genie appeared right now – what would be your first wish?
That my kids have a long rewarding life.
Such a heartwarming answer, Ken. So, favourite film and why…
Inception. I enjoy movies that are not predictable and get you thinking. I really loved the way the movie aired years ago, and people are still debating the ending.
What would you say to anyone thinking of working with us at Pagabo Group?
It’s a great opportunity to be involved in a growing and enthusiastic organisation. Very friendly and welcoming group of people.
Thanks for speaking with us, Ken. We hope everything goes well in your new role.
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