Following the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a noticeable decline in the average person’s mental health and life satisfaction. Although there is a gradual recovery in life satisfaction post-pandemic, the average level still falls short of the pre-Covid levels.
Our Principal Economist, Ken Chalk, discusses how mental health issues increased off the back of the pandemic and how it is vital for organisations to help their employees with their wellbeing.
Utilising the well-established HM Treasury WELLBY methodology, the estimated value of the lost life satisfaction, when comparing 2019 to 2022, amounts to £2,210 per person. When extrapolated across the population, this represents a significant total of £148.8 billion per year. While we often gauge the impact of shocks in terms of Gross Domestic Product, it is crucial to recognise that the loss of life satisfaction holds equal importance, if not more. How people feel about their experiences and overall wellbeing is arguably of greater significance.
Figure 1 – Source: (ONS, 2023)
In addition to addressing this pressing issue, it is crucial for organisations to recognise that happier employees tend to be more productive. Therefore, improving people’s wellbeing aligns with the interests of the organisation. Furthermore, employees who experience greater mental stability are likely to take fewer sick days and exhibit higher retention rates, reducing turnover.
While there is a wealth of evidence on workplace interventions, this valuable information is not easily accessible. At present, Loop provides numerous job quality and mental health interventions, and in our next planned update, we will be incorporating an expanded list of mental health interventions.
Listed below are some of the interventions that have demonstrated success based on solid evidence and can be implemented effectively.
Job quality:
- Giving people the option to work from home at least some of the time has shown to positively impact people’s wellbeing.
- If someone has a dangerous job reducing these risks can also improve their wellbeing.
- Making someone feel like their job is more secure will on average improve their wellbeing.
- Giving people more job autonomy will improve their wellbeing.
- Reducing people’s stress levels such that they don’t worry about work when not at work will improve people’s wellbeing.
- People perceiving that they have more opportunities for promotion will lead to better wellbeing.
- Putting the right culture in place so that people are not overworked in terms of working too many hours improves people’s wellbeing.
- Having more supportive co-workers improves people’s wellbeing.
- Having less time pressure improves people’s wellbeing.
- Having more variety of work improves people’s wellbeing.
- Having more leisure time also directly improves people’s wellbeing which is similar to being over worked.
- Finally, paying higher wages improves people’s wellbeing.
Mental health interventions:
- Wellness Intervention: Stress management and resilience training – This has a positive impact on mental wellbeing.
- Microbreaks – Evidence of microbreaks is that it causes an improvement in mental wellbeing.
- Meditation, Yoga or Tai chi – Although different all have a similar thread through them and all have their own evidence showing a strong positive impact. Of all the material this is the most strongly supported positive impacts.
- IT support for mental health – Having a dedicated free internal service has been shown to have very positive impacts on employee’s wellbeing.
- Emotional focused problem solving – Demonstrated to improve mental wellbeing.
- Acceptance and commitment therapy – Evidence shows an improvement in mental wellbeing.
- Positive psychology or psychotherapy – Both show significant improvement in wellbeing.
- Training on work life balance – Evidence shows a positive impact on mental wellbeing.
- Mindfulness – Evidence shows this directly reduce mental health symptoms.
- Stress management – Evidence showed a reduction in mental health symptoms.
- Internet sleep recovery – Using established cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia so only relevant for those that have sleep problems. Does show a positive impact on sleep problems and then mental wellbeing.
- Massage therapy – This has a good demonstrated positive impact on mental wellbeing.
- Preventative coaching – Evidence shows a strong impact on mental wellbeing.
We recognise there are other good approaches and careful thought should be given to different programs. The ones mentioned here though have stronger evidence attached to the impact or are statistically significant and therefore can give a starting point for organisations unsure on what to introduce.
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