An avid football, Harry Potter and LOTR fan (with mentions of Aladdin to boot), we sat down with Ethan Campbell, one of the newest members of team Loop to find out all about him and how he’s been settling in to the team…
Welcome Ethan! Can you tell us a little bit about your job as an economist with Loop?
As an Economist, I’m very interested in the data behind the software and trying to make it as robust as possible. Its very research driven, so you have to have some patience!
It sure is. So, what were your first thoughts of ‘Loop’?
My first thoughts were how welcoming and friendly everyone has been. Loop seem like a great team, and we are all driven by similar goals, ethics and a pursuit to make a real difference in the industry.
That’s really great to hear. With that in mind, what does social value mean to you?
To me, social value is so much more than companies turning a profit, it’s about making a tangible difference to a world that is facing many difficult challenges ahead. As an economist this means by providing and researching robust data that does not overinflate improvements in social value and is realistic in scope.
What was it you did before you joined us here?
Before I joined Loop, I was working as an analyst for an agricultural and pharmaceutical firm that promoted sustainable farming practises through a reduction in chemicals that are inherently bad to environment. I basically analysed anything that came off a farm and advocated for a return back to more traditional farming methods, rather than the intensive, chemically led ones we see today.
That’s really interesting! And since joining us, how are you finding the Pagabo Group offices?
Working remotely, I have only visited the offices on a few occasions. I was amazed at the architecture and beauty of the converted bank – the distillery and bar are a great touch too.
Can you tell us a little bit about the Pagabo Group…
To me, Pagabo Group seems like a very close-knit bunch all working toward a similar goal in the industry, this gives off a great impression of synergy between all the businesses.
Ok, so away from the workplace. What do you do when you’re not working?
I’ve been playing football for most of my life and captain a local team in Norwich (having not quite made it professionally!) I enjoy keeping fit and going on long bike rides around Norfolk.
If a genie appeared right now – what would be your first wish?
After checking the genie had no resemblance of Jafar (from Aladdin, if I’ve lost you!), I’d probably wish for a complete restructuring of the worlds current form of economic capitalism, which disproportionately benefits those who are already better off in society. (I don’t think I have the space here to delve further into the semantics of it!)
Favourite film and why…
I’m a massive Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fan, so it’s definitely a toss up between them. It’s a tough one, but if I had to pick one it would probably the LOTR the Fellowship of the Ring. Sorry Harry, but there must be something Siriusly Ron with me…
Haha great puns Ethan… And finally, what would you say to anyone thinking of working with us at Pagabo Group?
If you want to make a positive difference to society and do something that is genuinely worthwhile, I’d highly recommend it.
Thank you for taking the time to join us today Ethan. It’s been great to get to know you some more. Good luck with your role. 🙂
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