Calculating Social Value Generated By Smile Homes® For ADS Independent Living Solutions

Through ADS Independent Living Solutions’ commitment to making and proving real-life differences, we were commissioned by the social enterprise to help quantify the social value benefits derived from its innovative Smile Homes® housing solution.
Smile Homes® include technology, sensors, and devices to assist with day-to-day tasks, aid independence and improve health and wellbeing. They reflect ADS Independent Living Solutions’ attitude to positively promoting diversity, being specifically personalised for individuals who encounter challenges in living independently with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and mental health, behavioural and physical challenges.
As well as the benefits to end-users, the homes make use of modern methods of construction, being constructed off-site to ensure quality, robustness, efficiency, and speed, being delivered volumetrically to minimise works on site. They are highly sustainable, low carbon homes with PVs, green roofing, and the ability to be removed and relocated or refitted and redeployed.
In an effort to further explore the various successful elements of the design, we were brought in to calculate and reveal a forecast showing that during the lifecycle of each Smile Homes® unit, an average of £374,540 will be created in Social Present Value (SPV).
How did Loop help?
In total, there were 81 key outcomes identified through stakeholder engagement that could be quantified and measured as part of this in-depth analysis, before generating a total value. The outcomes were categorised into fiscal, economic, wellbeing and environmental.
Some figures were attached to project delivery, such as jobs created or safeguarded and LM3 economic outcomes from the supply chain during the manufacturing and instalment process, but also environmental elements including waste reduced, waste recycled, and reduced car miles.
The benefits for end-users include calculations around the A&E and dispatch savings created by reduced risk of harm or accidents to Smile Homesresidents. As well as this, the homes promote positive wellbeing in all residents, creating an increased quality of life thanks to increased autonomy, independence and happiness, and reduced stress and isolation.
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