We had a great day at last week’s LGPE at the Novel in Hammersmith. Our CEO, Gerard Toplass, spoke on the subject of ‘The Future of Social Value’ and how we’re developing our Loop measurement and forecasting platform to be the most future-centric on the market.
Key product developments discussed by Gerard on the day included:
- Loop now being fully aligned with the requirements outlined in the HM Treasury Green Book, the Government’s guide on how to appraise policies, programmes and projects in the future.
- Loop is the most closely aligned tool available today.
- Loop now featuring a library of over 800 future-centric measurement metrics, enabling clients to select those ones which best answer their strategic social value requirements and objectives.
- Loop is set to become measurement framework agnostic, meaning clients can customise and create their own measurement framework with their own developed metrics and/or use existing metrics like National SVS or TOMs (where licensees approve). Users can build their own social value framework per project or outcome. This is a game-changer for the social value sector.
- Loop is integrating both a Supply Chain module and Modern Methods of Construction (MCC) specific measurement metrics. This will make it easier to collect supply-chain evidence and allow you to compare on and off site construction types so you can see just where social value is actually delivered and not just where the project is taking place.
- And, Gerard was pleased to announce that Loop will soon be integrating with Pagabo’s procurement platform to help embed social value thinking in the entire built environment process, and a new tiered subscription offering that will make Loop the most affordable product available.
Gerard also announced that Loop’s future-centric approach has resulted in it becoming one of the fastest-growing social value measurement platforms available with over 100 clients and over 2,000 users of the platform for every project. It’s also one reason why Loop was chosen by the rail industry to create the Rail Social Value Tool – the sector specific measurement and forecasting platform.
More news on Loop developments will be coming soon. To find out more please visit us at UKREiiF from 16th May. The Loop and Pagabo team will be hosting the ‘The Future of Social Value Pavilion’ and will be announcing more product news at the event.
Come and see us then.
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